Dealer Portal - Modern

  • Address

    Unit 7

    Mount Road industrial estate



    ws7 0aj

  • Include Your Invoice

    Please include your invoice with your purchase with payment details for payment.

  • Commincation

    Once submitted please wait for me to contact you before sending.

    I send a regular email for new items and items being taken off the list.

Coin Value Amount Required Amount to Sell
1982 proof Sets £6.00 300

Max 300

1985 50p coins £2.50 100

Max 100

2000 Silver Proof set £200.00 5

Max 5

2004 Proof set £25.00 20

Max 20

2007 Proof Set £35.00 10

Max 10

Change checker BU £2- Non Circulation ( example flying Scotsman) £5.50 100

Max 100

Change checker BU 50p - Non Circulation ( example snowman 50p) £4.00 200

Max 200

Olympic 50p coins - NO Archery £1.50 2000

Max 2000